My research leverages Computer Vision (CV) algorithms and Augmented Reality (AR) techniques to integrate human-structured knowledge into human motion analysis, both semantically and geometrically. Specifically, my work focuses on hand/body pose estimation and action quality assessment in medical care, addressing critical challenges in real-world applications under constraints such as limited labeled data and stringent privacy requirements. Key contributions include developing continual learning frameworks to enhance adaptability and robustness in dynamic environments, employing human-in-the-loop verification to improve trustworthiness and applicability, and designing deep causality learning methods to ensure model interpretability.
I am expected to graduate in June 2025 and am seeking a Postdoctoral Research position starting later that year. I am enthusiastic and full of curiosity about everything. If you have a job opportunity, please contact me.
PhD Candidate in CS, 2020--Now
Beihang University
Visiting Student, 2024
Durham University
BSc in CS, 2016--2020
Henan Normal University
Exchange Student, 2019
Frankfurt University of Applied Science